《神爱世人 》__作者:林献羔 ……点此用繁体中文阅读

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

目>  录

前  言... 1

第一章  神爱世人... 2

第二章  甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们... 7

第三章  叫一切信祂的... 9

第四章  不至灭亡... 11

第五章 反得永生... 12

诗  歌  神爱世人………………………………………封底




前  言↑↑↑点此处返回目录






第一章  神爱世人↑↑↑点此处返回目录








三、 圣经肯定有神







地球有空气,月球没有空气。人到月球要带氧气,所以不能把人类迁到月球上居住。一天没有水、两天没有水,人还可以活,但半个小时没有空气,人畜都不能活,谁造空气呢?就是爱世人的神。神使地球(和各星球)有引力,把空气吸紧,如果地球没有吸力,空气早就跑光了,这一切的奇妙,没有神,可能吗?所以看见万物就应当相信神的存在:“自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但藉着所造之物,就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。”(罗1:20) 这节经文的意思,不只说明天地万物的存在证明有神,更因天地万物的奇妙就能叫人知道神的“永能”和“神性”。神的存在是肯定的,本来就不用证明。天地万物的奇妙更能证明神是大能的、神是全能的、神是“永能”的;天地万物的存在又能说明神的“神性”,祂就是神、是至圣的神、是公义的神、是慈爱的神。如果我们看见天地万物的存在和奇妙,还不相信有神,这是极愚蠢的,所以圣经说:“……愚顽人心里说:‘没有神……’。”(诗14:1)



“神爱世人”,原文是“因为神这样爱世界”,注意“这样爱”,英译 thus 或 so,这样爱、如此爱、甚爱。神怎样爱?如此爱。有什么表现呢?神不只是给世人各样的福气,最重要的是给人永生:“叫一切信祂的都得永生。”(约3:15)



“世人”,原文作“世界”Kosmos,英译 For God soloved the world.


以色列一直是神所拣选的选民。耶稣出来传道时是对以色列人的:“耶稣说;‘我奉差遣,不过是到以色列家迷失的羊那里去。’”(太15:24) 耶稣差遣十二个门徒先传福音,也是“宁可往以色列家迷失的羊那里去”(太10:6)。


第二章  甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们↑↑↑点此处返回目录


神有个独生子,就是主耶稣基督,祂在天上与神同等,祂就是神:“太初有道(耶稣),道与神同在,道就是神。”(约1:1) 祂什么时候才有的呢?“太初”,就是无限期的,祂与父神是无始无终的。

耶稣从亘古就有,但为什么祂是神的独生子,而不是神的“独子”呢?到底祂在什么时候“生”的呢?是不是2000年前生的呢?祂从天上降世为人,被马利亚生出。但这里不是说“马利亚的独生子”,而是“神的”独生子,到底神在什么时候生耶稣呢?圣经说是有个日期的:“受膏者(基督)说,我要传圣旨。耶和华曾对我说:‘祢是我的儿子,我今日生祢’,”(诗2:7) 这里只说“今日”,到底是哪一日的“今日”呢?使徒行传给我们解释,这是指耶稣复活的“今日”说的:“神已经向我们这作儿女的应验,叫耶稣复活了,正如诗篇第2篇上记着说,‘祢是我的儿子,我今日生祢。’”(徒13:33)这里的意思是耶稣复活的“今日”,是应验了诗篇第2篇的话。在旧约时,耶稣是神的“独子”,但旧约有预言和预表耶稣在复活的那一天,就成了神的“独生子”。这个“生”,是复活的生、是不再死的生、是活生生的生。






第三章  叫一切信祂的↑↑↑点此处返回目录




这里的“信”字,原文是“信入”,英文译作believe in,有时译作 believe on,这是“信靠”。









第四章  不至灭亡↑↑↑点此处返回目录








第五章  反得永生↑↑↑点此处返回目录




“凡属血气的,曾有何人听见永生神的声音从火中出来,像我们听见,还能存活呢?”(申5:26)“……竟敢向永生神的军队骂阵么?”(撒上17:26)“永生神”原文是“活的神”,英文译作 the living God,当然,神的生命是永远的,说“永生神”也是对的。这是神的永生。







四、永 生










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Foreword... 1

Chapter 1 God So Loved the World... 2

Chapter 2 Even Giving Them His Only Begotten Son... 7

Chapter 3 To All Who Believe in Him... 9

Chapter 4 Not to perish... 11

Chapter 5 Gain Eternal Life... 12

Hymn God So Loved the World……………………………… Back Cover


Author: Lin Xiangao

no copyright

Foreword↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

Reading: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

This is a very important verse, or rather, it is the condensed essence of the whole Gospel. Many people have been saved by faith after reading this verse; there are also many Christians who not only rely on the Lord to stand firm because of this verse, but also keep growing upwards. Man chooses, and that is at the heart of the Bible. Martin Luther called it a "mini-gospel."

Or some people say, I have recited this scripture fluently long ago, so what’s so special about it? I can understand this verse at a glance. What is the mystery? Yes, new believers have already memorized this verse by heart, and even many Christian children can memorize it and sing it. Why is it any wonder? It turns out that this scripture is easy to understand, but it is also very profound. It contains a wealth of truths, and it has a lot of effect in our lives. May we all recite this verse and be God-honoring Christians all our lives.

We also hope that all friends can know the true God and believe in Jesus Christ through this booklet, so that they will be saved and saved forever!

Jesus descended from heaven to man more than 2,000 years ago. He came out to preach for 3 years at the age of 30, and finally died on the cross for our sins. Chapter 3 of John's Gospel is about his first year out to preach, when he celebrated the Passover in Jerusalem. Section 3:1-15 is Jesus' speech to Nicodemus, a Jewish officer, on "the way of regeneration", and from Section 16-21 is John's explanation. Some people think that everything after verse 16 is what Jesus said. Let’s say that Jesus and Nicodemus only talked about verse 15, and then John’s explanation, because Jesus always called God Father, except that He represented all mankind on the cross In addition to (sinners) calling on God (Matthew 27:46), Jesus always called God Father. But at the beginning of verse 16, it says that "God" loves the world, so these verses are not directly spoken by Jesus.

Chapter One God loves the world↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

1. The reason why God loves the world

At the beginning of this verse, there is the word "because" in the original text, "because God so loved the world". This is related to the way of rebirth above. To understand eternal life, we must first understand regeneration.

Rebirth, "heavy" means no longer, "born" means rebirth, but it is not "re-entering the mother's womb to be born" (3:4), but the Holy Spirit begets us. Parents only give birth to our physical body, but the Holy Spirit wants to resurrect our dead spirit. This is the Holy Spirit giving birth to us; to gain eternal life means that the regenerated person receives the life given by God. These two aspects are one and two, two and one. How can we be born again? One must believe in Jesus Christ.

2. God loves the world

Why not say "Father loves the world"? It turns out that all people in the world are sinners, and God cannot be the father of sinners. God is the father of Jesus, and He is also the father of the nation of Israel, but God is the father of every believer. "Therefore we cry Abba! Father!" (Romans 8: 15, plus 4:6)

Based on the parable of "the prodigal son coming home", some people say, "God is the father of the prodigal son", which shows that He is the "Father" of the world. But the prodigal son does not represent the world, but the believers, because he is from the father's house (Luke 15:13). He is wandering far away, and he has someone to preach the gospel to him, and he will "wake up" and know that his father's house "has more than enough food" (v. 17). How can an unbeliever know that his father’s family “has more than enough food”? It turned out that the prodigal son was a Christian, not a man of the world. The return of the prodigal son means that Christians who have loved the world come to their senses and turn around, and are accepted by their father with great love.

God the Father is not the father of the world, so this verse does not say "the Father loves the world", but "God loves the world".

3. The Bible definitely has a God

This verse is not to prove to the world that there is a God, but to affirm that there is a true God in the universe, and this true God loves the world.

God is affirmed at the beginning of the Bible: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The Gospel of John is also a book about life, and there must be God at the beginning: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1, 3:16). God, and "God so loved the world."

There is no need to discuss the big question of whether there is a God. Because when we see the existence and wonder of all things, we should believe in God. The origin and wonder of all things can never be natural. When we see a house, we know that there are engineers and architects. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if someone said, "Please show me the engineer, so I don't believe this house was designed." When we see a car, we should believe that there is an inventor, because the car itself and its wonder show that someone invented and manufactured it.

Whether there is a god, you don’t need to look at everything in the universe, just look at the sun, the earth and the moon, and you should believe that there is a god. If God did not create the sun, does the sun work automatically? Does the sun heat and shine? This is absolutely impossible. Some people have calculated that if all the fuel on the earth was taken to the sun, it would only last for more than an hour before it would be burned up. Although the sun has hydrogen atoms and helium atoms, it can supply a large amount of energy for a long time, but who supplies so many atoms to maintain the burning for billions to 10 billion years? Your gas stove, no one adds gas, and the gas stove has no gas, can it keep burning? Absolutely impossible. It is impossible for a small gas stove, and the sun, which is 1.3 million times larger than the earth, can exist and glow naturally without God's creation and fuel supply? We don't need to prove that there is a God, we just need to look at the sun to believe in God.

Besides the earth, who created the earth? Did it evolve? Is it natural inertia for the earth to revolve around the sun? Who told it to turn so wonderfully? Someone calculates that if the earth rotates one second slower every day, not to mention 5 billion years, but only 6000 years, if the rotation slows down by one second every day, now there are not 24 hours in a day, but 624 hours, can we live? ? Who makes the earth revolve around the sun exactly every day? Would it be like this without God?

Isn't it amazing that the earth has water? Other planets have no water, and neither does Mercury. If there is no water on the earth, humans and animals cannot live, and plants cannot grow. Who created water and put it on the earth for the world to use? Can there be water without God? It turns out that God loves the world, He put water on the earth, we should "drink water and think of the source", the source is God, not the end of the river, nor man.

The earth has air, the moon has no air. People need to bring oxygen to the moon, so humans cannot be moved to live on the moon. People can live without water for one day or two days without water, but neither humans nor animals can live without air for half an hour. Who made air? He is the God who loves the world. God made the earth (and the planets) have gravity, sucking the air tightly. If the earth had no gravity, the air would have run away long ago. All these are wonderful, without God, is it possible? Therefore, seeing all things, one should believe in the existence of God: "Since the creation of the world, God's eternal power and divinity have been clearly seen. prevaricate.” (Romans 1:20) The meaning of this verse not only shows that the existence of the heavens and the earth proves that there is a God, but also that the wonders of the heavens and the earth enable people to know God’s “eternal power” and “divinity.” The existence of God is certain, and there is no need to prove it. The wonder of the heaven and earth can further prove that God is powerful, God is omnipotent, and God is "eternal"; the existence of the heaven and earth can also explain the "divinity" of God. He is a righteous God and a merciful God. If we see the existence and wonder of the heavens and the earth and all things, it is extremely foolish not to believe in God, so the Bible says: "...the fool says in his heart: 'There is no God...'" (Psalm 14:1)

The Bible does not debate with us whether there is a God, but only says that “God so loved the world.” We should believe that there is a God, and more importantly, we should believe that this true God is almighty, just, holy, and merciful.

4. Love like this

"God so loved the world", the original text is "because God loves the world so much", pay attention to "love like this", English translation thus or so, love like this, love like this, love so much. How does God love? so much love. What is the performance? God not only gives people all kinds of blessings, but the most important thing is to give people eternal life: "so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life." (John 3:15)

How does God love the world? It is to love the world with the highest love. The original text is agapao. Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me more than these?" (John 21:15) Jesus asked Peter to love Him with the love of "Agaphobia", but Peter's answer was only "Lord, yes, You know that I love You", the love he used, the original text is phileo "Phileo", inferior love. Jesus asked Peter for the second time with the love of "Agaphobia", but Peter's answer for the second time was to love Him with the love of "Philos" (John 21:16). God does not love the world with the love of "Philos", but loves the world with the love of "Agaphobia", the highest love. God is the source of love, and His love is unconditional and self-sacrificing love. It is not surprising that God used this kind of love to love Paul and John, and it is not surprising that God used this kind of love to love Christians. This supreme love loves sinners and those who contradict Him, which amazes us and makes us incomprehensible! He loves all people with such a love: "But in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, in which the love of God (Agape) was manifested to us." (Romans 5:8)" God sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him, and God’s love (Agape) for us is manifested here” (1 John 4:9), why God used “Agape” "Love to love the world? It turns out that when God created man, he "created him male and female in his image" (Genesis 1:26-27), so God loves us so much, so much, and so much. There is no gospel without the love of God.

5. People in the world

"世界人", the original text is "World" Kosmos, and the English translation is For God soloved the world.

God created everything in the universe, and among billions of planets, He fell in love with the earth alone. What is there on earth worthy of His love? The earth is a very small planet, and it is neither the center of the solar system, nor the center of the Milky Way, nor the center of the universe. Why is God such an "Agaphoa" world? The Bible tells us not to love the world, so why does God Himself love the world? It turns out that God tells us not to love the false pleasures of the world, let alone love the sins of the world, but God loves the world mainly because there are people in the world created in the image of God. We love the world as "craving" the world, but God is such a person in the "Agaphobia" world. We love the world in order to "get" the world, but God loves the world in order to "give" the only begotten Son to save people. This is the love of "Agapao".

Israel has always been God's chosen people. When Jesus came out to preach to the Israelites: "Jesus said: 'I was sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.'" (Matthew 15:24) Jesus sent twelve disciples to preach the gospel first, and " Rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:6).

God loved Israel first, as Nicodemus knew very well. However, Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected, not only for the Israelites, but also spread to the whole world - God loves "the world", this is a new way that Nicodemus could not understand. The Synoptic Gospels, especially the Gospel of Matthew, were spoken to the Jews, but the Gospel of John spread to the whole world, John 3:16, it is not that "God loved Israel", but that God loved "the world", so that whoever believes in Him All have eternal life. This is good news for all mankind.

Chapter two even gave them his only begotten Son↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

How does God demonstrate His love for all mankind? He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the world, so that whoever believes in him will be saved.

God has an only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is equal to God in heaven, and He is God: "In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) some? "In the beginning" means indefinite, He and the Father are without beginning and without end.

Jesus has existed since ancient times, but why is He the only begotten Son of God instead of the "only Son" of God? When exactly was He "born"? Was it born before 2000? He came down from heaven as a man and was born of Mary. But here we are not talking about "the only begotten son of Mary", but the only begotten son of "God". When did God give birth to Jesus? The Bible says that there is a date: "The anointed (Christ) said, I will preach a decree. The Lord once said to me: 'You are my Son, today I have begot you'," (Psalm 2:7) here only Speaking of "today", which day is "today"? Acts of the Apostles explains to us that this refers to the "today" of Jesus' resurrection: "God has fulfilled it to us as children by raising Jesus up, just as it is written in Psalm 2, 'You are my Son, today I begot you.'" (Acts 13:33) This means "today" when Jesus was resurrected, which fulfills the words of Psalm 2. In the Old Testament, Jesus was the "only begotten son" of God, but the Old Testament prophesied and foreshadowed that Jesus would become God's "only begotten son" on the day of resurrection. This "life" is the resurrection life, the life that will never die, and the living life.

God gave to all mankind an only begotten Son who died and rose again and lived forever. This is the greatest gift. Gifts are grace. God's gift is rich, the greatest gift, which is Jesus Himself.

God gave the only begotten Son to the world for the purpose of accomplishing the work of redemption. Jesus did not come to the world to travel or to enjoy the blessings; He came to the world to suffer, and in the end he was to be crucified on the cross to accomplish the work of salvation, just like Abraham offered his only son Isaac same (Genesis 22:16). If Jesus had not come into the world for redemptive purposes, He would not have been "given".

Salvation cannot be done by the world, and we cannot save ourselves; salvation is accomplished by Christ, but Christ must be crucified to redeem our sins, so He must be "given".

Jesus could not be crucified until he came to the world, and he would not be able to redeem sins unless he was crucified; if he does not resurrect, everything will be false, and if it is false, it is not a great gift, so giving the only begotten son is the gospel.

It is the love of God that Jesus Christ was given to accomplish the work of redemption. If God didn't love us, He wouldn't have given us His only begotten Son. At the same time, without the crucifixion of Jesus, there would be no substitutionary redemption, and without substitutionary redemption, there would be no righteousness in the forgiveness of sins. With the substitutionary redemption of Jesus, this shows that God is righteous. The crucifixion of Jesus is God's mercy and God's justice. For the sake of justice and mercy, God wanted to give his only begotten Son.

third chapter that everyone who believes in him↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

1. Sinners cannot save themselves, only faith

All religions rely on practice for salvation, but God does not tell people to practice hard work and accumulate virtue. There is no righteous person in the world, and human righteousness is but a rag. All the benefits of man come from the flesh. Those who do not believe in Jesus have no eternal life, and those who do not have a new life only rely on the flesh to do good. But God does not like the flesh: "And people who are in the flesh cannot gain God. to please God.” (Romans 8:8) How can an unsaved person rely on the flesh to do good to please God and to atone for his own sins? Absolutely not.

God knows that man cannot save himself, so He set up a redemption method for man—giving his only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, to accomplish the work of redemption, so that all who believe in Him will be saved. But how do we truly believe?

The word "信" here is "信入" in the original text, translated as "believe in" in English, and sometimes translated as "believe on", which means "trust."

Belief in only one God will not save you: "You believe in one God, and you believe well; the devil also believes, but trembles." (James 2:19) The letter here does not have the word "enter" in the original text, that is, Believe that there is a God. Even ghosts believe in this kind of belief, but they cannot be saved.

We not only believe that there is a God, but we must "trust" God in order to be saved. For example: You believe that the train can go to Beijing, and you bought a ticket, but you don’t get on the train. When the train leaves, you can only see the train moving, but you cannot reach Beijing because you have not entered the train or leaned on the train. If we believe in God, we must trust Him. He gave his only begotten Son to save you. If you don’t rely on Him, you can only rely on your own behavior. This is not saved. Therefore, we must believe in Christ, and by His precious blood, sins will be forgiven. .

Faith is also acceptance: "To those who received him, to those who believed (in) his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12) The original word for "receive" here is "receive"; " To receive" is temporary, but to "accept" is eternal; to "receive" is to treat the Lord as a guest, and to "receive" is to treat the Lord as a host; to receive is to receive Christ into us. Trust means that we believe into Christ, I am in Him, and He is in me. If we become one, we are saved.

But sorrow for our sins precedes trust, and sorrowful faith is saving faith (see Luke 7:36-50). Faith that is not sorry for sin is false.

Faith that truly believes will produce actions: "...only faith that works on love will be effective." (Gal. 5:6, see 1 John 5:1) We are not saved by works, but true faith will produce good. the behavior of. Faith that does not work by love is false faith, and of course it cannot be saved.

2. Who do you trust?

The beginning of John 3:16 says "God so loved the world", so we must trust in the true God; thirdly, God gave the only begotten Son, so we have to trust in Christ Jesus. The front of this verse says that the Holy Spirit regenerates us, so We must trust the Holy Spirit. The "He" in "that everyone who believes in Him" refers to the Lord Jesus, but the Lord Jesus was given by the Father, and Jesus has the Holy Spirit in Him, so to believe in Him is to trust in the Triune God, and in this way, we will be saved.

Whoever believes is saved, without exception, so that "all" who believe in Him will be saved.

Chapter Four not perish↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

1. The word "destroyed", the original text is appollumi, which means eternal punishment

Some people say, "To perish is to cease to be active forever, and to be unconscious again, which means 'a person dies like a lamp going out'." No, this is not what the Bible says perishes, "perishes" does not mean to lose consciousness or stop consciousness . Physical death is the cessation of cell activity and no consciousness anymore. But after the death of the body, the soul will suffer the second death. The word "destruction" is the same as "broken" in Mark 2:22 and "lost" in Luke 15:4, 6, which means eternal punishment .

2. Those who do not believe will die forever, and eternal death means going to the lake of fire to be burned forever

To die is to be separated from God and to suffer forever in the lake of fire. God is not in the fire, so there is separation from God.

Some people think that God is cruel and throws people into the lake of fire forever to suffer. But God gave us decades to live in this world, and in those decades God gave us a forewarning, and He called people to come to eternal life. This is God’s mercy. When we reject God's love, we are destroying ourselves. We must never say that God is cruel.

3. "I shall not perish" means to be saved

Since Adam sinned, all those who truly believe are saved by faith. People in the Old Testament are saved by faith, and people in the New Testament are also saved by faith. "That whoever believes (trusts) in him shall not perish." It can also be said "that whoever believes (trusts) in him shall be saved."

Chapter 5 - Eternal Life↑↑↑Click here to return to the catalog

It is said above that "you will not perish" is salvation, why do you say "you will have eternal life"? Doesn't salvation mean eternal life? Why repeat it like this?

It turns out that these are two aspects of the same thing: to be saved means not to perish; to gain eternal life is to gain the resurrection life of Jesus. Let's look first at what the Old Testament says about eternal life.

1. The Old Testament has a "living God"

"Has any flesh and blood heard the voice of the living God coming out of the fire, as we have heard, and lived?" (Deuteronomy 5:26) "...Dare to insult the army of the living God?" (1 Samuel 17:26) The original text of "Eternal God" is "the living God", and the English translation is the living God. Of course, God's life is eternal, so it is correct to say "Eternal God". This is the eternal life of God.

Adam did not eat the fruit of life, so he did not have eternal life. In the Old Testament, everyone who believed was saved by faith, but did not immediately receive eternal life. The Old Testament only predicted that people would be saved by faith. But have eternal life: "It is like the dew of Hermon, which fell on Mount Zion, because there is the blessing that the Lord has commanded, that is, eternal life." (Psalm 133:3) "There will be many who sleep in the dust. People will wake up. Some of them will have eternal life, and some will be disgraced and hated forever.” (Dan 12:2) This verse is prophesying the seven-year tribulation (big tribulation, verse 1) and some people will be resurrected to eternal life. Psalm 139:24 "Lead me in the way of eternal life", the original text is "the way of everlasting". Ecclesiastes 3:11 "and has placed eternal life in the hearts of the world", "eternal life", the original text is "forever", see small print. God will not put eternal life in the hearts of the world, but only put the thought of eternal life in the hearts of the world, so that they know that there is eternal life or eternal death. The "eternal life" in the above verses is prophesying that they will have eternal life; there are also some verses that mention eternity, but not eternal life, so believers in the Old Testament did not have eternal life when they believed.

2. Those who were saved in the Old Testament did not immediately gain eternal life

Those who believe in Jehovah God will not perish, but they will not have eternal life immediately, because there is no way of rebirth in the Old Testament, they are saved only by faith, but they will have eternal life after death. This eternal life is inferior to the eternal life we have received, and is only a "remedial" eternal life. They are saved by faith. But if they do not believe in the end, they will not be given eternal life after death, and they will still perish; if they persevere to the end, they will receive redeemed eternal life after death.

3. Those who believe in the Age of Grace will have eternal life

Now is the age of grace, and those who trust in Him will not only "not perish", but also "have eternal life". People in the Old Testament had eternal life after death, but we now believe that we will "not perish but have eternal life."

Only those who have gained eternal life will "know that they have eternal life" (1 John 5:13). Many people say, "We cannot know whether we have eternal life now. After death, Jesus said that we have eternal life, but He will not give it to us." No.” This is the Old Testament. In the New Testament, especially after the coming of the Holy Spirit, people in the church age believe now and then receive it; now we have it and then we know it. what do you know? To know that you shall not perish, and that you have eternal life, is to "have eternal life."

4. Immortality

What does eternal life mean? Immortality is not just living forever. Qin Shihuang asked for immortality, and this "immortality" is not the eternal life we get. Even if he could live forever, he still doesn't have the eternal life we have. If everyone lived forever, the whole world would be an "old man's world". But this is impossible. The life of an animal is at most 100 years old; the longest life of a plant is only a few thousand years;

People in the world can only live a hundred years, and there is absolutely no eternal life. Eternal life is not just living forever, but having an eternal "life". The life of eternal life is not the life of life, but the life of life. Eternal life is eternal life, the original text is aionios, this is the life of God himself: "Their minds are darkened, and they are separated from the life that God gives..." (Ephesians 4:18) "The life that God gives", the original text It is "the life of God", without the word "given". Those who do not believe are cut off from the life of God, but we who believe in Him will have the life of God, which is eternal life. This life is also in Christ: "Jesus said: 'I am the way, the truth, and the life...'" (John 14:6) "Life was in him, and this life was the light of men." (John 1:4 ) "This testimony is in His Son" (1 John 5:11), this life is the life of Christ and the life of Christ's resurrection. When Jesus spoke these words on earth, He was alive and alive. But he said that to those who believe in him, he will give them this resurrection, life that never dies, life that lives forever and ever, and this is eternal life. Rebirth is the Holy Spirit resurrecting our dead spirit; eternal life is Christ imparting His resurrection life to us. This life is sinless, disease-free, immortal, and lives forever. To gain eternal life, we must trust in the "only begotten Son", and the Holy Spirit regenerates us; once regenerated, we immediately receive the resurrection life of Christ.

5. He who believes is the son of God

"But these things are written, so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing in him may have life in his name" (John 20:31). We believe that we are the Son of God, He also received the life of God Himself, which is the life of Christ. That's why we say that whoever believes now will have eternal life: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not believe in the Son will not have eternal life, but the wrath of God remains on him." (John 3:36) "I, truly, I tell you, whoever hears my words and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has passed from death to life." (John 5:24) "I tell you the truth, whoever believes have eternal life” (John 6:47).

6. This is a good gift

Everything in this world will perish and pass away. The best gifts that man gives us cannot last forever. Only what God gives us is the best: "...only the gifts of God can last forever. but eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

Usually we are used to hearing "eternal life", and we don't think it is precious. But when we understand that this eternal life is the life of God, the life of the Son of God, a life that never dies, a life that is free from sickness and pain, and is full of joy, how happy are we? It turns out that God spared no effort to give His only begotten Son, the most beloved in His bosom, to all those who trust in Him, so that they can all have the best eternal life. This eternal life is not only long in quantity, but also abundant in quality. We will never find such a precious life again!

7. Taste and enjoy eternal life

We can have a taste of this life now, but we will not fully enjoy it until later. Life plays a great role in us. This life cannot sin, but can only live out the likeness of Christ. When our old man is going to sin, this life is to keep us from sinning; if we sin, this life will grieve us and make us repent, which is the vitality of eternal life. This kind of vitality works in us who believe. Therefore, we can now have a foretaste of eternal life, and we will not truly enjoy this eternal life until we leave this world and return to the Father.

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Friends, do you want this biggest gift? If someone gives you a precious gift and you don't want it, you lose nothing; but if you don't want God's gift, you perish.

John 3:16 does not mention judgment, but only says "you have eternal life", and it mentions condemnation in verse 18: "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned; but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he did not believe in the only begotten Son of God name.” For we are all sinners, condemned. If we don’t believe in the Son of God, we can’t save ourselves, we can’t redeem ourselves, we have to be “condemned”, and if we are condemned, we will suffer forever in hell!

John 3:16 is a very important verse, both to the world and to believers. Because of the work of redemption done by the only begotten Son given by God, people in the world will be saved through faith, and will not perish, but have eternal life. From this verse, believers can see that God’s superb love not only keeps us from perishing, but also enables us to know that a person has eternal life from the moment he is saved, and those who have eternal life have no reason to perish , which is a guarantee of once saved forever. If you perish after being saved, it is not God’s superlative love, and this life cannot be called “eternal life.” It has to be called "temporary life". But God’s promise is that “whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” May praise, glory, and honor be given to the Triune God forever, amen!

March 1, 1994


Dear friend, are you willing to resolve to believe in Jesus? Here are some prayer tips for you:

"Dear Father God, I confess from my heart that You are the only true God. You sent Jesus Christ to be a man to redeem sinners. I admit that I am a sinner and need Your salvation. I firmly believe Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected. Now I beg God to give me the resurrection life of Jesus, so that I will not perish, but have eternal life. I would like to follow and obey the Trinity God all my life!

In the name of the Lord Jesus, amen!